Monday, March 31, 2008

Jack's Birthday Party

This was the perfect birthday party. Three kids, no games/pinatas etc, good friends, and good food. The adults hung out after Jack opened his presents, and that's it! Whew! If only they could all be that easy... :)

Gotta love this face...

or this one...
When he asked for a cupcake later that night, I said, do you want Chocolate? And he said "I think I love chocolate." Man. This is one smart kid.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jack my little "Miracle Man" is 3!!!

Jack is three. I can't believe it!! For those of you who didn't know, Jack was an invitro baby. That whole process is so amazing. It really made me realize that God is in everything. Especially science. It was amazing to watch, and even more amazing to live. We were SO excited to find out that it took,and that we were pregnant.

After a LONG and difficult pregnancy, he was born, and even on his days that he is being... uhmmm.... trying... I wouldn't trade him for ANYTHING. Happy Birthday my little "Miracle Max". (For whatever reason I used to call him that.)

Here are a few of my favorite pics of him.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!!

I can't believe it's Easter already. It's amazing. Weren't we JUST trying to get a decent pic from last year?? :) This Easter has been odd. My surgery was on Friday, and it went well, but not so well that I got to do any of the Easter Egg Hunts with the kids yesterady. :( I did sleep alot, which most of you know is one of my favorite things...

Here's the kids before church today. They have been wanting to wear their Easter outfits for a while... ok, Jack and Ry have, Harris could care less. Jack was MAD last week when he picked it out and I told him he couldn't wear it. What a spaz.

I think it's a rule that at least one child has to be making a weird face. This was the best we could get...

Look at my gorgeous girl. We are in SO much trouble when she gets older!!! :)

Again with the weird face rule... I will let you guess which one... hehehe...

Anyway, Jack got to open a present early (his b-day is tomorrow) and LOVED his Sally the Porshe costume.... Have a Happy Easter Everyone!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Like sands through the hourglass....

For those of you who didn't watch soaps growing up... Like sands through the hourglass was the intro to Days of Our Lives. I actually didn't watch that one, but my sister in law watched it so religiously that she started BAWLING when the guy who says that line died. THE VOICE OVER GUY! Weird. Anyway, I am starting to feel like the soap actors. Here's the reasons why...

1. My Children are growing up WAYYYYY too fast. It's like they've been super aged! I remember on one of my soaps watching a baby be born, and by the time I was in high school, the "baby" was having it's own affair! (and then subsequent baby). My kids are growing so fast I feel like that. I just signed Jack up for preschool this week. It was the weirdest feeling to know that he's the last one. It was a sigh of relief and one of sadness, all at the same time!

(Little Scholars Preschool)
2. Those of you who know me best, know that I can't seem to be happy unless I have a medical malady on my hands. Here we are with the soaps again! Cue the cheesy music, I am going in for surgery tomorrow. Again. I know. It's like I am the Susan Lucci of surgeries. This one is to take out my gall bladder. David said too many more and I won't be able to be an organ donor because I won't have any left! At least this one is in and out - same day. Blah. Why do we even have these stupid organs? Half the people I know have had theirs removed! Let's just do that at birth, so we don't have to get the stones!
3. Here's my favorite one... I have friends that people who watch Daytime T.V. say can't exsist. They are impossibly good looking, (admit it ladies), are AMAZING Moms, and the best friends you can ask for. Honestly, you'd think they are scripted, but they aren't.

Friday, March 14, 2008

You know you're in Utah.....

Ok. So honestly and truly, I love living in Utah. I do. It shocked me too. I really didn't expect to love living here when I had been raised outside of "Zion". It's SUCH a different atmosphere from what I'm used to. (You had to see the BUT... coming, and here it is...) BUT. Today David and I went to dinner at this little Mexican food place, it's out in Saratoga Springs. Next door to it is this really cute Mom and Pop shop type Pharmacy. I went in thinking that these are the BEST places for Easter treats/stocking stuffers/etc. They always have cool little toys and treats. Anyway. I am gathering my arms full of fun stuff for the kids, when I spy a basket full of these.

Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. This is a ready made Visiting Teaching packet. Complete with spiritual thought, story from the Ensign, and treat. WHATTTTT?????? HOW weird is this? I mean, it's a great idea, but WOW. Just Wow. I don't even know what to say about it. Other than, hey April which one do you want? The purple one or the orange one? Yeah, of course I got two. I HAD to blog this, and may as well use it this month... :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I have decided that I need to start a 12 step program for my new addiction. It's HBOO. (Honey bunches of Oats for those of you who aren't on an initials basis with it yet). I think I have eaten 10 boxes in the last few weeks. I believe it started when David went out of town and I didn't have to make dinner. Him being out of town two weeks in a row didn't help matters. I would make something for the kids, and happily sit down with my "treat" and eat a bowl or two. It was on sale at Albertsons, and so I stocked up. Like major stocked up. I didn't think I had a problem until yesterday when I thought I was out. Flashes of the show Intervention came to mind. People are addicted to a little bit of everything on that show. Hence, the 12 step program. Anyway, I believe the 1st step is admission? There seems to be ALOT of steps following it, and I'm not sure what they are, but for now, I'm happy with admission. :)

PS- It MUST be the almond kind. I am sure the others have alot to offer, but almond and I have something special...

Monday, March 10, 2008

*-*-*-*-*Kasey turns 20!!!*-*-*-*-*

Can you believe my little kasey is 20??? WHAT? How did that happen? I was 12 when Kasey was born and to me it was like a little sister was born. She's been my buddy ever since. It's odd, it's always been more of a sister relationship, and now that she's older, even more so. We hang out and it's like hanging out with friends.
This weekend was the big 2-0 day. Kasey's Mom (my sis Karin) came out to help us celebrate, so celebrate we did!! We started the morning by sleeping in followed by ALL DAY shopping at the Park City Outlets. I mean, ALL DAY. Like 12-7. It was AWESOME. After stuffing the back of my car full with bags, we went to the BEST RESTRUANT EVER. A.K.A. - The Melting Pot. YUM!! For those of you who haven't hit this delectable dining experience, you need to. It's in downtown SLC, and SO worth the drive, and the price. What a day. We spent the entire evening laughing so hard our guts were aching.

Anyway, I just wanted to post a tribute to all things Kasey. Hope this birthday was happy, and the rest can be even better! Love You!!! (The pics below are the slideshow of Kasey's life as seen by me...)

Baby Kasey... Wasn't she CUTE???

Her and little Courtney...

The girls and Aunt Jennie...

And the dreaded school pics through the grade school years... Sorry Kase, had to do it!

Growing Up... Here's the MIGHTY PAYLOADER!!! If you don't know what this game is, you need to come to Molalla for the 4th of July with me next year!!

Kasey and Courtney getting down and dirty...

All grown up... I wanted to try to post a few more, but Blogger was having issues, so maybe later. Anyway, Happy Birthday sweetie!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

My Gram

This past week my Grandma turned 93!! I am telling you, this is one AMAZING woman. She has seen and done LOTS in her lifetime, and is a master of weaving those memories into stories. I was sad that we couldn't celebrate with her, but wanted to do a little tribute to her. Happy Brithday Gram! Here's to MANY MANY more!! :)

Here's our first 4 generation picture ever. This was the day I brought Riley home from the hospital. I know, it's a frightening pic... but somehow, I still love it!!

Here's our second ever 4 generation pic, and yes, my Mom's eyes are closed. She gets teased about it... :) I can't wait for the nest 4 generation, maybe at Riley's graduation?