So I am going to ignore the face that the last time I posted was OVER a month ago... I am not being a very good blogger. Life is still insane, and if you wanna hear the daily insanity, I suggest you find David and I on facebook. We are much better about updating it. HOWEVER. There are some things that cannot be explained on facebook. This next item is one of them.
So on Wednesday I hear the doorbell and I am inwardly cursing the fact that we live near so many kids. I LOVE that my kids have friends, but seriously? Everyday? So, I ignore the doorbell and let Riley or Harris get it since it more than likely for them anyway. Riley yells to me, "Mom! You got a package!" Now, I LOVE getting packages, don't get me wrong, but I am thinking to myself... I haven't ordered anything recently (stupid recession) and it's not anyone's birthday... what could this be. Here's your answer.
(Note the fact it's marked "EXTREMELY URGENT")
PS- There also were Laffy Taffys, but those are long gone. (What? I did say it was two days ago!)
Wow, where to begin. I'll just start with the snarky...
"That's a Utah dentist for you."
Beyond that...stupid, irresponsible or maybe a genius who wants you to get cavities because the recession is killing him too?
For the record, Stephen gives out sugar free lollipops.
And he has a BAD Diet Mt. Dew and Rock Star addiction. Oops, I outed him.
Guess they want to make sure you come back soon, huh? :)
P.S. Liza is standing next to me singing along.... "How do I know he wuves me? How do I know he's mime?" :) She's dancing now, too... you should update more often so we can read and dance more frequently!
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