Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I came across the FUNNIEST AD campaign EVER! It needed to be shown. :)Hope everyone is having a great week!

Friday, October 09, 2009

And here is Harris!

Here he is... a day late... and a smile short? At least we got a smirk. Bear with us as we figure out the awkward smiling thing... lol... At least he's a HANDSOME littler bugger... it's always saved his skin. He is starting to look like a little man. Sigh.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Riley's 5th grade pic...

Oh my heart. Riley is getting so grown up. She came home with her 5th grade picture today. (Harris in true form forgot his... maybe Anyway, as you can see she is turning into quite the little "tween". Wow. Where does the time go???

Friday, October 02, 2009

Virginia, DC, & New York Oh My!!

David and I got to sneak away for him to work in VA... which means he worked, and I played. :) And play I did! We got to go down and see Kenon & Scott, which was perfect. I forget how much I miss them until I get to see them! We sat up and played and laughed and played and laughed. Then David and I went to see Our Nation's Capital. It was amazing. I have been called "Overly Patriotic", but come on, can you really be too patriotic? Anyway, seeing this beautiful city was so cool. And then off to NYC for me for a day! WOO-HOO! It was so much fun! I took the Amtrak train to Penn Station and then spent the night and then the train back the next night. What a husband for letting me go, and what a Sister-in-law (KIM-THANKS AGAIN!) for watching the kids so we could get away for some much needed Hubby and Wife time. Here are a few pics... :)

Here's the capital...

Here's David and I smooching... TRYING to get the Washington Monument in the background. Oh well... cute pic anyway... :)

On the train to NYC!!!!

I HEART NY Cheesecake!!!!!!

Enough Said. :)

The trip was awesome, but we are glad to be home. Happy October everyone!!