Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ok, false alarm...

Allright. You know what? I have decided I AM NOT DOING IT. I am not going to let a few weird things change my blog. Sorry for the false alarm on that... but I just hate it when a few bad apples ruin the rest! So enjoy my NOT private blog. :) Hope everyone is doing great!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I said I'd never do it...

So. I was NOT going to go private. It's not my style... I am kind of an out there person. But I have been getting WEIRD comments left, and I guess I figured I'd join in with the rest of the world and go (pause for dramatic effect) PRIVATE. I know. Lame. Anyway, I am going to give it a week or so, so if you'd like to continue getting the meager offerings that I call my blog, PLEASE comment with your email. I will add you, and that will be that. Right? Ugh.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I am a mean mean Mom...

But this note HAS to be posted. It's the cutest/funniest thing I have ever seen. Man. I SO don't miss 4th grade. Not even 2%...

I did mark out the phone number as to help keep it anonymous...

Monday, January 04, 2010

I know, OK? It's after new years, but here's Christmas!

Look, you are going to have to be happy getting to see these pics at all! We had family in town all of Christmas Break, and I didn't want to waste any of our minutes... even to blog. So, hopefully you will forgive me. :) Hope all of you had a wonderful New Year's Eve, and an even better New Year!

The Christmas Eve jammies!!!

Here come the stockings!! I LOVE Harris' face here!!

Here's what they were looking at...

And the aftermath of the stocking explosion... yes, this is just from one... I know, Santa is IMPRESSIVE!

OH! The anticipation of the stair photo!!

Jack's favorite toy... The GEOtrax CARS edition...

All the stuff Harris got, and Santa gets all the credit with a huge pack of gum. Hmm...

Riley's favorite gift... a cell phone. I know, I know. She's OLD.

Our favorite gift... peace on earth... and a Wii game they all play TOGETHER.
Don't you love that the carpet is just LITTERED with stuff? Gift Bags, wrapping paper, toys... oh well. I guess that makes a successful Christmas.